M.O.D.O.K. (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing). One of Jack Kirby's more crazed ideas for a character. Foe of Captain America and leader of A.I.M. A huge-headed guy with tiny limbs who could only get around via his floating chair. The poor guy had a permanent constipated look on his face. No wonder he was always in a bad mood.
Benjamin Linus: a.k.a Henry Gale, portrayed by Michael Emerson. Leader of The Others who live on the north part of The Island. Skilled manipulator and liar. Lost.
British Artist Darryl Cunningham is a cartoonist. He is the writer and artist on Supercrash (aka The Age Of Selfishness), Psychiatric Tales, Science Tales, and Uncle Bob Adventures.
I'm always available for commissions.
Email: darryltoon(at)gmail.com
Read all about me in this interview.
So Long, and thanks for all the fish…
Richard has already taken his final bow on the blog (see here), and now
it’s my turn. Truth be told I have been putting this off all week, and here
I am ...
The BSB Q&A: Barnaby Richards
The BSB Q&A is a continuing series of interviews with the people who make
the books that we publish at Blank Slate, delving into some of the creative