Wednesday 23 May 2007

Dancing Fools

dancing fools

Well, they're not all dancing, but most are.


M.O.D.O.K. (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing). One of Jack Kirby's more crazed ideas for a character. Foe of Captain America and leader of A.I.M. A huge-headed guy with tiny limbs who could only get around via his floating chair. The poor guy had a permanent constipated look on his face. No wonder he was always in a bad mood.

Acrylic on canvas.

Modok Painting

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Art Desk

My Incredibly messy art desk. Note sculptures.

Art Table

Rocket Ape

Pencil, pen and then photoshop for the colours.

rocket ape

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Lost TV Pics

Benjamin Linus: a.k.a Henry Gale, portrayed by Michael Emerson. Leader of The Others who live on the north part of The Island. Skilled manipulator and liar. Lost.

Pencils and photoshop.

Further Lost drawings can be seen on my Flikr site .

Ben Linus

Thing and Dog

Acrylic on canvas painting.18 inches by 14 (46cm by 36).

Painted by Darryl Cunningham (2007).

Thing and Dog Painting

For sale. Feel free to leave me a note or email me for details.