Creator of Psychiatric Tales. Cartoonist, Writer, Thing
Friday, 9 April 2010
Tiny Dalek
I'm told by Blank Slate that Psychiatric Tales has now been printed, and that copies should be arriving within the next ten days. Watch this space for details of how to buy a copy.
Here's a tiny Dalek drawing for no reason other than I felt like it.
I attempted to purchase a copy through blankslate weeks back (they had the release date erroneously posted as sometime around Jan I believe). I also happen to be located in the US. I'm not certain if you would know, but are you aware of what is happening regarding those of us who have already placed orders?
British Artist Darryl Cunningham is a cartoonist. He is the writer and artist on Supercrash (aka The Age Of Selfishness), Psychiatric Tales, Science Tales, and Uncle Bob Adventures.
I'm always available for commissions.
Email: darryltoon(at)
Read all about me in this interview.
So Long, and thanks for all the fish…
Richard has already taken his final bow on the blog (see here), and now
it’s my turn. Truth be told I have been putting this off all week, and here
I am ...
The BSB Q&A: Barnaby Richards
The BSB Q&A is a continuing series of interviews with the people who make
the books that we publish at Blank Slate, delving into some of the creative
I attempted to purchase a copy through blankslate weeks back (they had the release date erroneously posted as sometime around Jan I believe). I also happen to be located in the US. I'm not certain if you would know, but are you aware of what is happening regarding those of us who have already placed orders?
I really don't know. but I'm due to talk with Blank Slate this week, so I'll find out what's happening.
The tiny Dalek is super cute. I wish I could adopt him.
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