I was in London over the weekend. First attending The Strumpet/Words And Pictures launch at Orbital Comics, then on Saturday, signing books behind the Myriad Editions' table at the Comica Comiket. Here are a few pics:
Hannah Berry holds an invisible object, while Sarah McIntyre looks thoughtful, at the Comica Comiket.
Lizz Lunney eats food at the Comica Comiket.
Bryan_Talbot and Mary Talbot at the Comica Comiket. I was blown away by the fact that Brian bought a copy of Science Tales from me, and I signed it for him. Surely this should happen the other way around?
Ian Williams at the Comica Comiket.
Ellen Lindner and unknown (to me) friend at The Strumpet/Words And Picures launch at Orbital Comics.
Glyn Dillon draws at the Comica Comiket drawing parade.