Monday, 12 November 2012

At The Comica Comiket, London

I was in London over the weekend. First attending The Strumpet/Words And Pictures launch at Orbital Comics, then on Saturday, signing books behind the Myriad Editions' table at the Comica Comiket. Here are a few pics:

At Comika

Hannah Berry holds an invisible object, while Sarah McIntyre looks thoughtful, at the Comica Comiket.

Lizz Lunney
Lizz Lunney eats food at the Comica Comiket.

Brian and Mary Talbot
Bryan_Talbot and Mary Talbot at the Comica Comiket. I was blown away by the fact that Brian bought a copy of Science Tales from me, and I signed it for him. Surely this should happen the other way around?

Ian Williams
Ian Williams at the Comica Comiket.

Ellen Lindner
Ellen Lindner and unknown (to me) friend at The Strumpet/Words And Picures launch at Orbital Comics.

Glyn Dillon
Glyn Dillon draws at the Comica Comiket drawing parade.