Monday 4 October 2010

Uncle Bob And The Frankenstein Monster

Latest chapter of Uncle Bob Adventures. I'm now around half way through the book which will be out from Blank Slate next year. Feel free to point out any errors. Thank you.

bob frankenstein 1

2 bob frankenstein

3 bob frankenstein

4 bob frankenstein

bob frankenstein 5

bob frankenstein 6

bob frankenstein 7

bob frankenstein 8

bob frankenstein 9

bob frankenstein 10

bob frankenstein 11

bob frankenstein 12

bob frankenstein 13

bob frankenstein 14

bob frankenstein 15

bob frankenstein 16

bob frankenstein 17

bob frankenstein 18

bob frankenstein 19


  1. Really enjoyed this. You have 'artic' for 'arctic' though.

  2. Brilliant stuff! Fantastic scenery.

  3. Page 1: "help me" -> "held me"?

  4. Oh, WOW! So beautiful! And what a great sad ending. You're amazing, Darryl! xx

  5. enjoyable read.

    thought i'd join in with the proof-reading, if it's helpful -- lightening> i presume you meant lightning.

  6. The only thing I would change would be the last page, first panel. There should be a question mark at the end of Uncle Bob's statement rather than a flat sentence. It would go from,

    "What have I done."


    "What have I done?"

    I'm always mystified as to why people seem to have trouble putting question marks when appropriate. Or was this intentional on your part?

  7. Dear DeBT.

    I just forgot the question mark. Will correct that and other things on the next pass.

  8. Thats an awesome story and great illustration simple yet effective .

  9. Wow!

    Just clicked through from the Frankensteinia blog. Now I'm a fan and waiting in line for the first Uncle Bob book.

    That fast....

  10. This is a great news that i must share with you all i have been looking for a way to break into my wife's phone because she has a pass-code on her phone and always receiving late night calls and text messages i have been suspecting her for past 1 year then i contacted this hacker named ALBERT who helped me hack into her phone and got me results under 24 hours he got me results of her call logs, text messages and even deleted text messages i was so happy to find out the truth about my wife i never knew she was a big time cheat until the HACKER (Albert) helped me, his prices are affordable contact him if you want to know more about your spouse and your relationship state and other hacking/IT services. Email. whatsapp/Text no: +1 571 318 9498
