Saturday 27 October 2007

Super-Sam and John-of-the-Night

Character designs for comic strip.

Imagine a vain, egotistical, slightly stupid liberal character, teamed up with a neurotic, paranoid, but smarter, right-winger. This the idea behind Super-Sam and John-of-the-Night. Yes, they're basically the Superman and Batman archetypes that we've seen a million times already, but who couldn't have fun with this idea, and anyway, I haven't done it before.

The strip will be appearing weekly, every Tuesday, on the Forbidden Planet blog.

Super-Sam and John-of-the-Night

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Two Views of a Town

Colour and black and white versions of the same image. Pencil, pen, then photoshop for the colours and effects.

Colour Town and Cars

Black and White Town

Friday 19 October 2007

Uncle Bob at the Earth's Core

Three pages from an eight page strip.

Uncle Bob at the Earth's Core (1)

Uncle Bob at the Earth's Core (2)

Uncle Bob at the Earth's Core (3)

Check out the full story by following the link below
Myebook - Uncle Bob Adventures - click here to open my ebook

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Yorkshire Hill

Pen on paper, then scanned into photoshop.


Friday 12 October 2007

Thursday 11 October 2007

Town and Hills

For various reasons I've been offline for a month, but now I'm back and will be posting regularly again.

Town and Hills