Monday 30 November 2009

Return To San Diablo

After months on hiatus my continuing webcomic, The Streets Of San Diablo, is finally back on Activate with a four page bumper episode. The strip will continue every Monday until it's finished (Probably in the spring).


Thursday 26 November 2009

Plans 2010

Having finished Psychiatric Tales, and sent off the artwork to the publishers, I now feel strangely directionless. I'm in an odd twilight zone between the ending of the work and its publication in Feb. It isn't that I've nothing to do. I'm restarting my strip The Streets Of San Diablo for the Activate webcomic collective. I had to put the superhero/western/horror story on hold for a while, so that I could finish Psychiatric Tales. San Diablo will return in a four page episode this coming Monday. Expect mindless violence.

There is a secret, secret thing happening with Psychiatric Tales which I'm not allowed to mention yet, as it it is a secret. Hopefully, very soon, I'll be in a position to announce what this thing is.

My plan is to launch Psychaitric Tales at the UK Web And Comix Thing in March, where I'll have a table . I note that many of my comic book pals will also be there.

My long term plans include a second volume of Psychiatric Tales. There's still a ton of subjects I would like to talk about, including substance abuse, Electro Convulsive Therapy, borderline personality disorder, types of dementia, OCD, amongst others. There's plenty to get my teeth into.

I've also got good idea for a children's book, The Girl Who Cried Diamonds. I'll need to collaborate with another artist on this one, as my own style wouldn't quite fit the subject matter.

A recent photo. Yorkshire mist.


Tuesday 17 November 2009

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Here's the reworked Antisocial Personality Disorder chapter of Psychiatric Tales (previously know as Mad Or Bad). Eight pages of which only three are left from the original version. As ever, feel free to point out any errors you see.

All done now. Apart from renumbering the pages and a few other annoying tiny jobs. It'll be out from Blank Slate in Feb.

page 27 antisocial one

page 28 antisocial .two

page 29 antisocial.three

page 30 antisocial four

page 31 antisocial five

page 32 antisocial 6

page 33 antisocial seven

page 34 antisocial eight

Monday 9 November 2009

San Diablo

News. I'm restarting The Streets Of San Diablo on The strip will return at the end of November and appear every Monday.

I've been so busy with my Psychiatric Tales book project that I had to put San Diablo on hiatus. However, now that book is almost finished, I can get back to my freakish Western/superhero/horror mash up tale. Yippee!

demons in hell

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Psychiatric Tales: Last Chapter

Here, at last then, is the final chapter of Psychiatric Tales. As ever if you spot any mistakes or have anything critical to say, then please let me know. I tend to think of these online versions of the stories as beta versions, which still need debugging. So all comments help.

The book still isn't finished. I have to redo much of the lettering in the first half of the book, correct spelling mistakes, plus rewrite and redraw four pages of an earlier chapter which, as it stands, is factually confusing.

The book will be out from Blank Slate in Feb and will be available through their website and various other places.

1 last chapter

2 last chapter

3 final chapter

4 final chapter

5 last chapter

6 final chapter

7 last chapter

8 last chapter

9 last chapter

10 last chapter

11 last chapter

12 last chapter

13 last chapter

14 last chapter

15 last chapter

16 last chapter

17 last chapter