Sunday 26 February 2012

Science Tales Preview Copy

I've not long received this advance copy of Science Tales. The real thing will be out in April from Myriad Editions.

At Last, Science Tales

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Science Tales Available to Pre-order

Hey everyone! Science Tale is now available to pre-order from Myriad Edtions. Check out this link here.

Nice to see Psychiatric Tales prominently displayed in Gosh Comic shop in London's Soho district. There it is, right next to Guy Delisle's travel book on Burma. I was at the shop on Saturday, signing copies for them to sell. Go pick one up if you're in the vicinity. 

books gosh

Eddie Campbell does his talk at Gosh Comics on Friday.

Eddie Campbell

A panel from The Fist, presented here in black and white. You'll see this image in colour when the strip begins its run in a few weeks time.

Black And White Roads

Thursday 2 February 2012

Bozo And Boggs Take a Drive

Redraw of a old strip I did originally in black and white, way back in the 90s.

bozo and boggs 1

bozo and boggs 2

bozo and boggs 3

bozo and bogg 4

bozo and boggs 5

bozo and boggs 6

bozo and boggs 7

bozo and boggs 8