Thursday 27 December 2012

Ayn Rand Pages

A couple of pages from my strip on Ayn Rand.

Ayn Rand 2

Ayn Rand 3

Sunday 23 December 2012

Saturday 22 December 2012

Ayn Rand

Title page and a panel from the cartoon strip on Ayn Rand I'm currently working on. This will be a chapter of an eventual book on political themes.

Ayn Rand Title Page

St. Petersburg

Monday 12 November 2012

At The Comica Comiket, London

I was in London over the weekend. First attending The Strumpet/Words And Pictures launch at Orbital Comics, then on Saturday, signing books behind the Myriad Editions' table at the Comica Comiket. Here are a few pics:

At Comika

Hannah Berry holds an invisible object, while Sarah McIntyre looks thoughtful, at the Comica Comiket.

Lizz Lunney
Lizz Lunney eats food at the Comica Comiket.

Brian and Mary Talbot
Bryan_Talbot and Mary Talbot at the Comica Comiket. I was blown away by the fact that Brian bought a copy of Science Tales from me, and I signed it for him. Surely this should happen the other way around?

Ian Williams
Ian Williams at the Comica Comiket.

Ellen Lindner
Ellen Lindner and unknown (to me) friend at The Strumpet/Words And Picures launch at Orbital Comics.

Glyn Dillon
Glyn Dillon draws at the Comica Comiket drawing parade.

Friday 12 October 2012

1st British Comic Awards!

Science Tales has been nominated for BEST BOOK of the year at the 1st British Comic Awards! It's a strong shortlist with some excellent books. Go Look At The Details Here.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Simon Harwood and Police Accountability

Part of the redrawn first page of my strip for the next issue of Solipsistic Pop. I originally planned to do a strip that looked at a few different incidents concerning suspicious deaths by police, but due to limitations of space, I've decided now to concentrate on only one incident. This way I'll be able to look at the issue in more detail. There's plenty here that most people aren't aware of beyond the basic facts of the case. 

Simon Harwood

Thursday 20 September 2012

How To Fake A Moon Landing

Here's the cover to the US Abrams' version of Science Tales. Expanded from the UK Myriad Editions version to include a chapter on gas fracking. Due out next March. 
I received news this week that Korean editions of both Science Tales and Psychiatric Tales will be appearing sometime over the next 18 months. So it's all happening. 

Thursday 16 August 2012


I'll be away this coming weekend attending Caption: Oxford’s annual small-press comics conventionOn Saturday I'll be taking part in the Myriad Editions panel, along with commissioning editor Corinne Pearlman, Woodrow Phoenix (Rumble Strip), and Nicola Streeten (Billy, Me & You). I'll also be selling and signing my books. Come along.



Friday 10 August 2012

Batman and Robin

If I drew Batman and Robin it would look something like this.

Batman and Robin

Follow me on Twitter.

Thursday 28 June 2012


Old work, but good work.


Wednesday 27 June 2012

Robot Smash

A couple of old pieces from a project long abandoned which I might yet restart.

girl smash robot

boy vs robot

Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Fist

The complete version of The Fist, which was originally seen on the Activate Comix site.

the fist 1

the fist 2

fist 3

the fist 4

the fist 5

the fist 6

the fist 7

the fist 8

the fist 9

the fist 10

the fist 11

the fist 12

the fist 13

the fist 14

the fist 15

the fist 16

the fist 17

the fist 18

the fist 19

Monday 21 May 2012

Four Reviews of Science Tales

Various reviews of Science Tales. Check out the first review I saw which was in New Scientist.

Here's the text from the two page spread that appeared in The Observer.

On the science\tech blog Boing Boing.

And on the blog Headline Environment.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Review of Science Tales in The Pulse

A fine review of Science Tales in the GP magazine, The Pulse.

"Darryl Cunningham has given us a truly lovely book! Essentially, it contains a series of clever cartoons  which tackle important issues with lots of humour. They skilfully direct us to the heart of the matter, stimulate critical thinking and debunk common myths, many of which are related to healthcare. Most importantly, they amuse us and thus make potentially boring subjects enjoyable.

In this book, Cunningham's cartoons tell us 8 stories: electroconvulsive therapy; homeopathy; the facts on the case of Dr Wakefield; the moon hoax; climate change; evolutions; chiropractic; and science denial. Each story is only about 20 pages long and explains complex issues simply but accurately. Cunningham takes a "no nonsense approach" and has a refreshing pro-science attitude. The best weapon against quackery, he seems to think, it is poke fun at it.

I predict that homeopaths and chiropractors will not like this book. Everyone else, however, should have a good look at it – chances are, you will love it, simply because it is lovely."

Friday 20 April 2012

Comica Comiket in London

On Saturday I'll be at the Comica Comikeat the Bishopsgate Institute near Liverpool Street station in London.  I'll be taking part in the Comica Drawing Parade along with other artists. We'll be drawing live while our artwork is projected above us on a giant screen.There should be a few copies of Science Tales at the Myriad Editions table available to buy ahead of the official launch on Tuesday at Gosh Comics.  

Also, This Sunday's Observer will feature an interview they did with me, along with artwork from the book. So do check that out.


Friday 30 March 2012

Science Tales Book Launch

Science Tales book launch. I'll be there.

Science Tales Book Launch

A signed bookplate edition of Science Tales will be available at the launch, featuring this illustration. 

Science Tales Bookplate

Monday 26 March 2012

Mary Celeste

This is the first page of my strip on the mystery of the Mary Celeste and also the first page of the new book I'm working on, History Tales. Sadly, I've had to abandon the proposed Psychiatric Tales 2 volume for personal reasons.  

Mary Celeste 1

Saturday 3 March 2012

Bozo And Boggs Go Down The Pub

Redrawn gag strip, written for me long ago by comic genius Mr Ralph Kidson. Does anyone know where Ralph is?
bozo and boggs in down the pub

Sunday 26 February 2012

Science Tales Preview Copy

I've not long received this advance copy of Science Tales. The real thing will be out in April from Myriad Editions.

At Last, Science Tales

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Science Tales Available to Pre-order

Hey everyone! Science Tale is now available to pre-order from Myriad Edtions. Check out this link here.

Nice to see Psychiatric Tales prominently displayed in Gosh Comic shop in London's Soho district. There it is, right next to Guy Delisle's travel book on Burma. I was at the shop on Saturday, signing copies for them to sell. Go pick one up if you're in the vicinity. 

books gosh

Eddie Campbell does his talk at Gosh Comics on Friday.

Eddie Campbell

A panel from The Fist, presented here in black and white. You'll see this image in colour when the strip begins its run in a few weeks time.

Black And White Roads

Thursday 2 February 2012

Bozo And Boggs Take a Drive

Redraw of a old strip I did originally in black and white, way back in the 90s.

bozo and boggs 1

bozo and boggs 2

bozo and boggs 3

bozo and bogg 4

bozo and boggs 5

bozo and boggs 6

bozo and boggs 7

bozo and boggs 8