Friday, 23 May 2008

Rispodol Injection

Rispodol Injection

A drug used in mental health to counteract psychotic symptoms. A difficult drug to draw up, due to having to mix the powder into sterile water first. It's a big needle. US syringes tend to be longer. Can you guess why?


memphish said...

Because Americans are bigger pricks? Because they are made in Texas, and everything in Texas is bigger damnit? So you don't have to stand as close to a psychotic patient?

Darryl Cunningham said...

Because Americans are more overweight, although it's to be noted that us Brits are catching up.

memphish said...

Oh, that's boring. But I can sympathize. Hubby's a surgeon and they have special OR tables or they put 2 together for folks who weigh over 300 pounds. And there are more than you'd imagine.