Sunday 7 December 2008

Paper Town Project

A couple of years ago, I had a go at building the type of scenes often depicted in my drawings, bringing them into 3D in the form of paper and card sculptures. It's been a while, but I'd like to have another attempt at this, as I'm sure I could improve on the idea.

Here's a couple of photos of the last sculpture I did. Sadly, these were never glued together or expected to be permanent. They only existed as long as it took me to photograph them.

City Under Construction

Big Orange Town


Unknown said...

Hello, I am already working in cómic official of my personage Barman and Ginebrin and am going to in the end mount a section of Pinups with several authors and different styles. The most worked they will end up comprising of this work. The time limits of delivery is the 31 of December of 2008. So that you have a reference of how they are the personages, I leave this image you who I have this way hung. It would be thankful to the confirmation of the participation. Thank you very much. Greetings.
Darryl if you want to participate in my Barman's and Ginebrin Pinup contest visit this link with the character's information:

Great work with paper, it's fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Like the constructions a great deal. While they are great as they are with some colour and black edges they would look very cool. Have you seen Seth's cardboard buildings? They were on the cover of comic art issue 6.